Studia Politica Slovaca is a peer-reviewed journal for political science, contemporary political history and international relations.
The mission of the journal published by the Institute of Political Science SAS is to contribute to general knowledge and to improve public understanding and awareness of political relations on a national and international scale by publishing academic papers and other information covering a wide range of genres by authors of diverse conceptual positions and political orientations.
The journal brings to the fore political theory, presenting results of the research into political systems, political activities and their selected aspects, the history of political thought, recent political history and issues of international relations.
The structure of the journal is as follows: the Studies and Analyses section constitutes the backbone of the journal; the News section provides brief accounts of academic projects, events and political science institutions. In addition to regular updates on academic events such as conferences, symposiums, seminars, doctoral defences and habilitations (second or higher doctoral defences), information on research projects and outcomes of the research conducted by the Institute of Political Science SAS, partner institutes and other institutions is provided as well. The final section brings reviews and annotations of selected academic works.
The Studia Politica Slovaca journal is published on a semi-annual basis in a standard academic format; it is aimed at scientific community, experts, humanities university students and the general public at large.
Journal website:
Editor-in-chief: Priv.-Doz. Dr.phil. habil. Dirk Mathias Dalberg
Executive Editor: Mgr. Michael Augustín, PhD., e-mail:
Editorial Board:
PhDr. Peter Dinuš, PhD. (Institute of Political Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Doc. PhDr. Daniel Dobiaš, PhD. (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovak Republic)
Mgr. Norbert Kmeť, CSc. (Institute of Political Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Mgr. Juraj Marušiak, PhD. (Institute of Political Science, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
Mgr. Veronika Oravcová, PhD. (Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovak Republic)
PhDr. Marián Sekerák, PhD. (AMBIS College, Prague, Czech Republic)
Doc. PhDr. M. pol. Radoslav Štefančík, Ph.D. (University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic)