DAV and davisti. Political thought of the davisti group in the interwar period

Project summary
DAV revue, later a magazine "uniting pioneers of socialist ideas in Slovakia" was published in 1924-1937. This project deals with the analysis of the political thinking of a group of left-oriented intelligence grouped around the magazine DAV, with an emphasis on the personality of A. Sirácky, V. Clementis and L. Szántó. The research aim of the project is also to follow the development of this magazine at various stages of its existence, the transition of DAV from a revue to a magazine, from "an experimental literary anthology to an offensive, explosive leaflet glossing over political, economic and cultural news" through the analysis of the content and ideological-political side of the articles published in DAV. Particular attention is paid to the relation of davisti to the Slovak intelligence, in particular to the groups of hlasisti and prúdisti. From the point of view of the theory of democracy, the aim of the project is to interpret a "davist" concept of democracy.

Institute of Political Science, Sloval Academy of Science

Members of the project team:
Institute of Political Science, Sloval Academy of Science
Mgr. Michael Augustín, PhD.
Priv.-Doz. Dr.phil. habil. Dirk Dalberg
Mgr. Matúš Ondrejka
Mgr. Jana Sivičeková, PhD.

Department of Political Science Faculty of Arts Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Dr. h. c. prof. Marcela Gbúrová, CSc.